This is my little sister Suzie and my new Brother in law Brian!!!
They have just received their wedding photo's and I thought I'd share a few of the projects I was involved in while planning her wedding in 3 DAYS!!!!!! Enjoy...

Here is just one of the 30 or 40 cake stands I made for all the homemade British goodies!

I love this photo!!! Go on girls!!!!
Plus you can see a little of my bunting and the bouquet!!!

The cake they ordered the day before the wedding for me to decorate!!!

A beautiful end to a wonderful day!!!
You deserve a "Super-Sister" award!!! Thanks for sharing some of the wedding photos, they're such a CUTE couple (or as the English would say, 'SUCH a cute couple'). It's so strange to think of Suzie grown up and married (time went super sonic)and now Kyan is growing up. She's going to be a stunner like her Mummy!!! Tell her I said hello and that I've been thinking of you both (I haven't had the mental energy to do more than sit here and watch murder mysteries on youtube for the last several months, but after the Goblin put me on a vitamin regime I'm feeling better - I think it's my thyroid). Ok no more Cari health problems...I don't want to bore you to death. I shall take my scary self away and follow your example by doing something creative.